

We are a Catholic Anglican Church under the pastoral care of the Bishop of Ebbsfleet. Our services are consonant with the centuries old tradition of the Universal Church. We have a sacramental approach to all that we do, whether the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, or the sacraments of baptism, marriage or the funeral services. We visit and anoint the sick where required. We seek to present the love of Christ to all, in everything we do in worship and our daily lives.

On Sundays we celebrate the holy mystery of the Holy Communion in the Parish Eucharist at 10.00 a.m. This is a sung service. You do not have to be a regular church-goer to attend. If you do not want to receive Holy Communion you can come to the altar for a blessing or simply sit where you are. Christ’s church is open to all. You will find that we are a gregarious and friendly community and you will be very welcome to stay for a cup of tea and a biscuit (or cake if you are lucky!)

On Wednesdays we have a said Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. which is a quieter, more devotional, occasion. Here, we strengthen, through the Holy Sacrament, our Christian discipleship.

We often hold additional services, especially around the times of the great feasts of the Church which you will find elsewhere on this website.