Quiz Night

 Quiz Night

This will be held on Friday 24th November at 7.00pm.

The tickets will be £6.00, bring your own drinks and there will be crisps and nibbles on the tables.

This is always a good evening so put it down in your diary and come and join us.




The Shelfield  Choir Evening

A big thank you to all the members of the choir and our fundraising team for a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Thank you also to those who supported the event  which raised a total of £411.40 for our church funds  


Scarecrow Festival 15th -17th September





 On Friday 7th July 6 pupils and their teacher came along to help us tidy up the church yard.

Alan Badger had a ‘plan’ and gave them instructions as to what needed doing. It was a warm day and they were tired by the afternoon but a lot of work had been done and the churchyard looks much better. The enthusiasm of the teacher also made a difference as he chivvied them along. Thanks also to Tony, Alan’s neighbour , who now seems to be a regular on these occasions.


Coronation Celebrations

A great time was had by all at the Coven Coronation Celebrations.

£434.50 was raised from the event. A big thank you to all those who worked hard to make the event a success.








Our first Quiz Night of the year is on Friday 28th April. This is always a good night so put it in your diary.

Tickets will be on sale shortly.




Thank you to those people who responded to our urgent appeal to join the fundraising committee.  It is vital that we continue  to pay our Parish Share and the churches outgoings and without their help we would not be able to do this.  Thank you also to those who support the committee by making cakes, selling raffle tickets etc and thank you  to those who attend the events and give so generously.



 The Year Ahead

May God make your year a happy one!
Not by shielding us from all sorrows and pain,
But by strengthening us to bear it, as it comes;
Not by making our path easy,
But by making us sturdy to travel any path;
Not by taking hardships from us,
But by taking fear from our heart;
Not by granting us unbroken sunshine,
But by keeping our face bright, even in the shadows;
Not by making our life always pleasant,
But by showing us when people and their causes need us most, and by making us anxious to be there to help. Amen

Christmas Wreath Festival:

This was a great success thanks to the hard work of the Fund Raising Committee. The total raised from the Festival was £473.00. Thanks to all who supported the event and ventured out in the cold weather.


Special Date

The Guess the Special Date Competition Raised £730 altogether and the winner was Kelly Hall who very kindly donated it to Brewood First Responders. £315 was given to the Church and we are very grateful to Mothers Union for this generous gift.

Skittles Night

A great night was had by everyone who joined in the fun of the Skittles night which raised over £543 .00 for the Gems Centre. Well done to

the M.U. for organising the event. The money was spent on filling ‘Mum Bags’ which contain essential baby items for vulnerable new mums.




A big thank you to our hard working fund raising committee . Our treasurer is especially grateful as our finances are now beginning to improve after the 2 years of covid disruption. Their efforts and the congregations support have made a real difference to our situation.


Pick a special day of the year for £2.00 and win £100. See Jo Knight for details. Profits split between the church and M U charities.


Silver Trail

Our Trail of Silver coins has been started on the other side of the church so have a look in your purse and see if you can add to the line. See Paula or Jan to find out more details.







on Saturdays from  10.30 -12.00

Join us for a cuppa and a chat – open to all, just drop in 



The Christian calendar

From earliest times the Church has gathered on Sundays to celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ. Over time an annual cycle of Christian memory-making has also developed, which allows us to remember his life, death, and resurrection; to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit; and to recall the ministry of the holy people who have spread the Christian faith over the centuries. 

Through the structuring of our Christian memory, the past is able to come into our present.

The liturgical or Church year is divided into several seasons. It begins with Advent, which looks forward to Christmas. The visit of the wise men to Jesus is remembered at Epiphany, after which there is a period of ‘ordinary time’. The six weeks of Lent prepare us for Easter, which celebrates Jesus’s resurrection, leading forward to his Ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church at Pentecost. ‘Ordinary time’ then resumes until the end of the year.

So-called ‘ordinary time’ is hardly boring. It allows for more continuous reading from the Bible, for the exploration of other themes such as creation and the environment, and for creative responses to saints’ days.