Ordinary Time

What does Ordinary Time mean

There are two periods of the liturgical year that are called “ordinary time” that stitch together the Christmas and Easter cycles. One is the Season after Epiphany, and the other is the Season after Pentecost. The liturgical colour for Ordinary Time is green. This is to represent the time of growth and expansion of the Church following the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Green is a very natural colour, and is often a symbol for growth and new life.

The 33 (or 34 depending on how the feasts fall ) weeks of Ordinary Time contain the rest of Jesus’ earthly ministry and some of the major events of the Gospels we have come to know and love.

The miracles, the parables, the calling of the twelve, the sermon on the mount, the bread of life discourse. . . we get all that and more during this season. Truly, there is much to celebrate.

Why the word Ordinary?

The term ‘ordinary’ in our common use typically refers to something being plain, unimpressive, or unexciting. A kind of ‘it is what it is’ mentality. For that reason, many people hear ‘Ordinary Time’ and they immediately think of the season as such. But that understanding doesn’t reflect the true meaning of the season.

Ordinary, in this context, comes from the Latin term ordinalis, meaning ‘numbered’ or ‘ruled’. This title simply refers to the ongoing and rhythmical nature of the season. Just like everyday life, there is a rhythm to the days and the weeks. Sure, we have holidays and special occasions that we look forward to that change the pace, just like we have holy days and feasts in the Church year. But those special occasions aren’t the whole picture, just like there is more to the life of Christ than what we celebrate in other liturgical seasons.




Here are some pictures of work done by the children and adults that were in church over Easter. Our thanks to all who worked on these








So where does Lent come from, and how do we “do” Lent? The Lenten season developed as part of the historical Christian calendar and is typically celebrated by Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and some mainline Protestant churches that follow a liturgical calendar. Although its format has varied throughout the centuries and throughout different cultures, the basic concept remains the same: to open our hearts to God’s refining grace through prayer, confession, fasting, and almsgiving as we anticipate Holy Week. Lent traditionally lasts forty days, modeled after Christ’s forty-day fast in the desert, and ends on Good Friday. In the Western Church, Lent officially begins with a reminder of our mortality on Ash Wednesday.





May we extend a warm invitation to come and join us at our Sunday or Wednesday services. If you have not been to church for a while it can be a daunting experience but there will always be some one there to sit with you and ‘show you the ropes’. Our friendly congregation will make you very welcome and you’ll soon feel part of the church family.





Come and join us at our Parish Eucharist

Sunday Service 10.00am

Wednesday Service 10.30 am



Faith and worship at the heart of Coven , part of the community for over 160  years.

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Our Church is in Vacancy

We are now in Vacancy and the process of finding another shepherd for St Paul’s will begin shortly. During this time the Church Wardens will deal with any queries about Baptisms, Banns and Weddings or
any other enquiry.

Pauline Appleby:
Mob 07933 280349
Tel 01902 791372

Email: stpaulscovenparishoffice@gmail.com

If you are, or know of anyone who is sick or housebound and requires Holy Communion at home or if you would like to have contact with someone from the Church please telephone Pauline Appleby on 01902 791372