Past Events
The Shelfield Choir Evening
A big thank you to all the members of the choir and our fundraising team for a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Thank you also to those who supported the event which raised a total of £411.40 for our church funds
Scarecrow Festival 15th -17th September
On Friday 7th July 6 pupils and their teacher came along to help us tidy up the church yard.
Alan Badger had a ‘plan’ and gave them instructions as to what needed doing. It was a warm day and they were tired by the afternoon but a lot of work had been done and the churchyard looks much better. The enthusiasm of the teacher also made a difference as he chivvied them along. Thanks also to Tony, Alan’s neighbour , who now seems to be a regular on these occasions.
Coronation Celebrations
A great time was had by all at the Coven Coronation Celebrations.
£434.50 was raised from the event. A big thank you to all those who worked hard to make the event a success.
Our first Quiz Night of the year is on Friday 28th April. This is always a good night so put it in your diary.
Tickets will be on sale shortly.
Wreath Festival
Summer Fayre
Our Summer Fayre was a great success and many thanks to all the people who contributed to the day. A wonderful total of £1,245.20 was raised.
Garage Sale
The dry sunny weather helped us raise £300.00 for Church Fund
Quiz Night
The Quiz Night held on 23rd April in church was a wonderful evening and raised £500.00 for Church Funds. Thank you to all those who helped to organised it and to all those who supported it.
Frost Fayre
A wonderful day despite the weather. Over £7oo was raised for church funds. Thank you to all the stall holders and to the people who made cakes or donated teddy bears.
Black Country Evening
The Black Country Evening with mini auction raised
just over £900. A huge thank you to Fr Paul, Geoff
and Jo and all who supported in anyway.
The scarecrow Festival
The final income from this amazing event was a
staggering £1206.61 which will be split equally
between St Paul’s Church and St Paul’s First School.
The final total raised was £1285. A fantastic effort by
everyone involved. Well done. Grateful thanks to
Alan who amongst many other things managed to
‘get rid of’ all the remaining White Elephant items, to
Geoff for his help with plants, gazebo’s and always
being there, to Jo for plants and organising and selling
or ‘gently persuading others’ to sell an enormous
amount of raffle tickets for the Mothers Union Food
Hamper which raised a total of £518, to Jan for
always being positive and keeping peoples spirits high
and for counting all the takings for me! to Maryann
Edge and Clairs and Mark Stewart from 1st Coven St
Paul’s Scout group who put up and took down the
Gazebo’s and Event Tents and to everyone who ran
stalls, donated, baked cakes, supported and
The garage sale raised £503.28
Thank you to everyone involved for your hard work and support.
Murder Mystery
A great time was had by all who attended the Murder Mystery evening on 20th September 2019. As well as the play there was also a wonderful 3 course meal which, considering the size of the kitchen at St Paul’s, was an amazing feat of organisation.
The play itself was a classic ‘Who done it’ with lots of ‘red herrings’ to send you on the wrong path and in the end only 3 tables got the answer – the butler did it!
With an evening like this there are lots of people to thank. The wonderful actors, the people preparing and serving the food, scenery makers, programme and ticket printers and others working in the background to make the evening a success. The biggest accolade however should go to Jan Carr , who was in overall charge of organising everything and ensuring that the evening ran smoothly.
The event raised a wonderful £1,036.00 towards much needed church funds.
Sunday 2nd December 2018
6.00pm Christingle Service
The Coven Players treated us to this wonderful pantomime written by Paula Finn. Many hours of hard work had gone in to the production and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all who saw the production. As with all the best pantos there was a certain amount of ad-libbing but this just added to the fun. Our congratulations go to all those who took part, those who helped with the scenery, the back-stage team and the sound and lighting technicians.
The Yummy Mummies had their 2018 Christmas get together at the Oakley on Wednesday 14th November. Looking at the pictures it seems that they all had a great time.
Friday October 19th 2018 – Ashmore Park Singers
Once again we welcomed the Ashmore Park Singers who entertained us with a wonderful programme of music, songs, a monologue and reading and even a few jokes. The musical director Terry Green had put together a varied selection pieces for us and there was something for every kind of musical taste. Our thanks go to Terry and all the choir members who raised £380.00 for church funds. Thanks also go to the members of the congregation who contributed to the lovely supper that everyone enjoyed.
The Coven Branch of the Mothers Union held a fantastic Bidding Auction on Friday 12th October and raised £2,500.00. Congratulations and many thanks to all who were involved in this superb event. Particular thanks go to Jo Knight who worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the evening. The money raised was for St Paul’s School who suffered severe flooding earlier in the year.
Posh Afternoon Tea Party and Stalls – June 2018
What a wonderful day we had for our Posh Afternoon Tea. The sun shone, the village supported us and we made over £1,000. Thank you to all those who made the day possible especially to those who spent the whole day on their feet!
Horse Racing Evening
Carol Singing Round the village on Monday 18th December and Carol Singing at the Fox on Wednesday 20th December
Ten carol singers braved the cold rather foggy Monday night to bring festive cheer to the village. Fortified by mulled wine and mince pies they made their way round the local streets and were rewarded with welcome donations to our church funds. Despite the chill some people stood at their open doors listening and sometimes joining in the well known Christmas songs. Thank you to all those who contributed. (£177.29 raised)
The carol singing at the Anchor was a very much warmer evening (for which we were all thankful) and we performed to a very packed venue. Can we say a big thank you to the manager for inviting us and to all the customers for their generous donations.(81.02 raised)
December 17th
9 Lessons and carols
There was a full church for this lovely service where the whole story of Christmas is told in bible readings and carols. We were especially pleased to have children from our Scout Group and St Paul’s school who sang beautifully for us and made it a very memorable occasion.
December 3rd
Christingle Service
About 120 children, parents and grandparents filled the church at our annual Christingle service and gave generously in support of The Children’s Society. It is always a magical evening when the lights are dimmed and the candles lit as we remember the significance of each part of the Christingle. The sweets representing the fruits of the earth are usually eaten on the way home (if not before) but the candle and the orange with the ribbon representing the blood of Christ are taken home to remind us of the real meaning of Christmas.
November 17th
Bingo Night
This was a very enjoyable and lucrative night (for some people!) as members of church and the community joined together for a evening of Bingo. Some people were newcomers to the game and others had played many times before but the buzz and expectation was the same for all. Thank you to all who attended and supported us and thank you to the Social committee for arranging it and selling those wonderful rolls at the interval.
Many people have asked for it to be repeated – watch this space!
October 2017
A Black Country Night Out
What a fantastic evening with the legendary Fizzog Productions and featuring Jonny Cole. We were treated to several sketches from their ‘Suck it and See’ performance, all of which were hilarious. See the Gallery page for photo’s from the evening. Thank you Fizzog’s you worked so hard and helped us to raise another £1100.
September 2017
Murder Mystery Night
What a splendid evenings entertainment this was. With 80 guests vying to work out ‘whodunit’ it was finally revealed that it was ‘the Vicar’. No not our Fr Malcolm, but one of St Paul’s Players who was acting the part of the Vicar of ‘Sodbury End’. An excellent 3 course meal was served and the wine flowed. We were fortunate to be joined by Michael, Bishop of Lichfield, who seemed to enjoy the performance . Well done to the fundraising team who worked so hard to stage this event, and of course to the actors!
June 2017
‘The Great Get Together’ Afternoon Tea & Fayre
The sun shone all day and a wonderful time was had by all.(Photos have been posted on Facebook )
Thanks to all those who worked so hard to make it a success and a success it was raising over £1,000!
The day was in memory of Jo Cox and the Visitors Book Comments, which many people signed, has been sent to her family.
A record of the Facebook comments, photographs and the visitors book comments has been put together by Karen to record this wonderful occasion.
Saturday 8th July – Summer Quiet Day at Glasshampton Monastery
Leader Fr. Malcolm. A chance to go away for the day to be quiet and reflect. Places limited to 8 or 9 and the cost will be £12. This will cover the cost of refreshments and a special journal.
Tuesday 11th July – 1st Coven Scouts AGM (in church) followed by a BBQ
Come along and meet this vibrant growing part of our parish family who are playing an important part in our life and work as a parish
May 2017
Pentecost Group
A new group has started within the church as part of our plan to ” Grow the Church”. This involves not only growing in numbers but also growing in spirituality and this new group will take sessions based on the Leading your Church into Growth course. On 7th May Fr. Malcolm introduced the course and the team who will be running it. The sessions will begin after the Sunday Service, starting on 25th June, with a repeat on Thursday evenings, starting on July 6th. Leaflets about the course are available at the back of church.
Quiz Night with fish and chips.
A packed church enjoyed an evening of tough questions and fish and chips on Friday 19th May. An evening event at St Paul’s always seems to involve food and this was no exception! Despite problems with the microphone Karen and Alan did a great job as quiz masters and the winning team were out on their own when the points were added up. The fish and chips were once more top class and thoroughly enjoyed by those who were not watching their figures!! Thanks again to the social committee for all their hard work and to all those who came along to support the event.
April 2017
Vintage Evening
The Vintage Evening held on Friday 28th April was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all those who attended. Congratulations to Judy who won the prize for the best outfit. Fr. Malcolm took a lot of stick for drawing out his own ticket in the raffle! Thanks to the Social Committee who worked hard putting on the event and to all those who supported it.
March 2017
Quiet Day at Glasshampton Monastery
On 16th March 8 of us “recharged our batteries” on a quiet day at Glasshampton Monastery. Fr. Malcolm had suggested it and all those who went certainly felt the benefit of those few hours spent away from the hubbub of our busy lives. We were made very welcome and were given the opportunity to hear a bit of the history of the building and to take part in a service.
Another Quiet Day has been organised on Saturday 8th July for those who have work commitments during the week.
February 2017
Candlemas Service
Candlemas is also known as the Feast of Presentation of the Lord. Candlemas primarily focuses on Jesus’ early life. Many Christians believe that Jesus’ mother Mary presented him to God at the Temple in Jerusalem after observing the traditional 40-day period of purification (of mothers) following his birth. According to a New Testament gospel, a Jewish man named Simeon held the baby in his arms and said that he would be a light for the Gentiles (Luke 2:32). It is for this reason that this event is called Candlemas.
The service is always held on the 2nd February which this year fell on a Thursday. It starts in dimmed light with everyone holding a lighted candle and is a lovely celebration in the Church’s calendar.
Someone suggested organising a fish and chip supper for after the service (I think that might have been Fr. Malcolm) and at about 8.15pm we set out the chairs and tables and 18 of us sat down together to enjoy not only the supper but also the fellowship.
January 2017
Two new groups are starting shortly so if you are interested in joining a Community Choir or a Men’s Fellowship Group it’s time to put your names down.
The Community Choir already has 15 interested people and church warden Karen Jones would be only too delighted to add your name to the list. It will be up and running shortly so watch out for more news about dates and times.
The Men’s Fellowship Group will meet for lunch once a month. Good pint of beer, good food and a chance to look at our Christian Faith. Contact Fr. Malcolm if you are interested. First meeting Friday 3rd February at the Swann Inn Whiston.
The first Fundraising Meeting of the year will take place in Church at 10.30am on 30th January. If you have any ideas for interesting events or would just like to be on the team, do come along.
Walsingham Pilgrimage 26th -30th June 2017 We shall be going on pilgrimage to Walsingham again this year. Please think about joining us.
CONFIRMATION If you would like to be confirmed this year please have a word with Fr. Malcolm.